Cloud Consultancy

On-Prem or Cloud? Be prepared. Don’t get left behind!

Scale your IT Infrastructure to meet growing business demands

Migrate or integrate your IT infrastructure to the cloud with zero business impact

Harnessing cloud services is critical for achieving real-time scalability and optimising performance and efficiency. But cloud migration requires careful analysis, planning and execution to ensure the cloud solution's compatibility and integration with existing organizational requirements.

Our Cloud migration services are designed to help you migrate your physical or virtual workloads to the cloud, with zero business impact. Our cost-efficient solution is designed to reduce your hardware footprint and customize your infrastructure expenses.

Led by experienced cloud architects and a dedicated project manager, our team will implement a proven set of cloud migration tools and processes to get you to the cloud rapidly and securely.

With partners such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, Rackspace and Openstack, we always offer vendor neutral consultancy helping you decide which platform and service best fits your needs.

Managed Office 365 is a cloud-based service that brings together the best tools for the way people work today. Office 365 is an all-in-one suite to enhance collaboration, productivity and data-driven decisions across your business.

Managed Office 365 is constantly changing and evolving, so it’s likely that you’ll need expert help to get the greatest possible benefit out of the product.

Managed Office 365 Consultation and managed service offering includes but isn’t limited to:

  • Managed Office 365 onboarding
  • Managed Office 365 training
  • Performance and Security audits
  • Managed Office 365 customization

Onboarding process

  • Assessment of your current environment
  • User provisioning
  • Integration with your Identity Management
  • Email migration

In short, Infrastructure as Code (IaC) means to manage and automate your cloud IT infrastructure using configuration files.

Adway iT uses Terraform as it's IaC automation platform. Terraform is a multi-cloud capable swiss army knife of IAC tools. It is completely cloud-agnostic, quickly scalable and helps you to easily tackle infrastructure deployments of any size or any level of complexity.

With Terraform, you can manage a heterogenous environment with a single workflow by creating configuration files to fit the needs of your project.

Key Benefits


Humans are fallible. Manual processes may result in mistakes. Manual infrastructure management may result in errors and discrepancies. IaC solves that problem by having the config files themselves, be the single source of truth.


Infrastructure as code enables you to quickly set up your complete infrastructure by running a script rather than having to go through a graphical user interface or configuration tools. This saves a lot of time to get, up and running and to reproduce in the event of a failure. Configuration that usually take days can be achieved in a matter of a few hours.


Every time you have IT professionals performing tasks that you could automate, you’re wasting money. All of their focus should be on tasks that bring more value to the organization. By employing IaC automation strategies, you free engineers from performing manual, slow, error-prone tasks so they can focus on what matters the most.


Since you can version IaC configuration files, you have full traceability of every configuration change. No more guessing games about who did what and when.

Why Us?

Adway iT has a team of highly skilled IaC professionals who can help analyse your organisation's current infrastructure. We would be able to help you achieve all the above mentioned benefits. Contact us to talk further about our free IaC consultation offer!

Why waste time being reactive when you could be proactive!

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